Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Summer Running Adventures

I decided to run a half marathon this year. I have never done one before. 

Working up to be 1/2 marathon ready was harder than I thought.  I hit some road-blocks, some of which I talked about earlier (shin splints).  But the greatest thing about running is going with friends.  I wouldn't do it without my great running friends.
Here are two of my friends on one of our first "long" runs.  I think we did 8-10 miles.

 Here we decided to run down the side of the mountain to train for our downhill. 
 Luckily, there were beautiful views:

 This was the next day on my bike ride, but who sees a camel every day?  I had to snap a picture.
And national running day...

  This is a Stake 5K I ran.  Lots of heat, a little wind, and lots of fun.  I placed 2nd in the women's, so I can't complain.
 We ran into an adventure on a potty break during one 10-miler.
 We were running past an area where people like to fly large remote control man accidentally flew his plane into the back of his friend's head.  Needless to say, our running friend who was a nurse had to run to his aid and help the bleeding stop.  The ambulance came flying down the bike path as we headed out.  We tease her that she saved his life, but I really think she did.
 The most recent was another bike trail.  I loved the scenery down the canyon and that one was 11 miles.  We are almost to 13...
As we've worked up to the 13-miler, we've seen hot air balloons hanging out near the temple. 
Been chased by runaway calves. 

Spotted turkeys in a field. 

And ran more canyon trails. 

The half marathon is this Saturday and I can hardly contain the butterflies.  I'm so excited!  It'll be so fun to accomplish it with my great friends. I love you all!  Here's to having a great time and finishing my first half marathon.   

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