Thursday, June 25, 2015

Hot Air Balloon Festival

Another Hot Air Balloon Festival down in the books.
G is the one who gets us into this every year. He volunteered and signed me to help as well.
Sadly, he had to work this year and missed out on the celebration.
The kids and I still went.
We enjoyed face painting, donuts, juice, and helium balloons.

The kids enjoyed watching the balloons go up.

Our job was to fill helium balloons for the kids. The four of us went to work with other volunteers in the booth. We filled and filled. I was pretty sure we were going to be there all morning. There was no end to the kids wanting a free balloon. Sadly, there was an end to the helium in the tank. I say sadly for them, though. Not for me and my fingers. :) We welcomed the break and enjoyed the hot air balloons as they sailed off into the sky. My favorite things about the hot air balloon festival is the peaceful morning, watching the sun rise over the horizon, and experiencing the amazement of these huge balloons soaring up into the sky with my family. Family is everything. 

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