Friday, June 26, 2015

Face of Timp Ride

We decided to go for a ride up AF canyon on Thursday. My kids were thrilled when there were two seats open in the back of J and A's razor. 

Their daughter sat in the back of our ranger with Ka.
But, let's back up. Before we even packed up, my friend kept worrying that it was going to rain. (I teased her that she was starting to sound like Eeyore.) As I checked the forecast, though, it kept jumping from 40-60% chance. Probably not the best odds to go up against, especially in the mountains.

We got all loaded up, drove up the mountain, parked our trailers, and pulled our machines off without any rain. When we were about to get  in the machines, it started to rain. Within a few minutes, the sprinkles turned into a downpour so bad that we had to huddle in our friend's trailer for shelter. Because I'm a weird blogger, it occurred to me that I should take a picture of of the sheets of rain falling from the sky. 

Almost as quickly as it started, the rain stopped. I didn't capture a bit of it on my camera. 

The rain made two things great: mud to play in and dust control.

We stopped for a break. Everyone in the razor was decorated with mud.

These two can be pretty fun...

...and pretty nerdy all in one evening.
We saw lots of deer...
...and beautiful views of the valley.

J tried to cover the entire razor in a mud puddle on the way down. And I think he succeeded...he for sure succeeded in the giggles and squeals department. Our kids loved it.

Highland Glen Park

One never gets too old to feed the ducks...

Splash Boats

The Splash Boats at Trafalga proved to be refreshing on one of the hottest days this summer:

Splash Pad

Our visit to a splash pad with friends:

The older kids thought it was a little babyish until they started spraying the little ones with squirt guns and dumping water on their heads with cups.

I think all the kids enjoyed it.

Couples Ride

We went on a couple's Ranger/Razor ride a few weeks ago up the canyon.  We ended up with around 10 couples.  We rode around in the canyon, dropped down on the other side, and ate Mexican food at a little restaurant in town.
These are some of our crazy friends that came along.  I wish I would've gotten pictures of everyone.

After the restaurant, we hit the hills again and found a good spot for a campfire.


Our kids said they had a great time, even though the house looked like a crime scene when we got home...
K crashed on the recliner.
Bl looked like he fell asleep playing with a balloon.
And Ka seemed to have crashed in the middle of building legos. 
We feel bad that we didn't snap a picture of B...she was the only one who didn't seem to be part of the crime scene.  She had tucked herself in nicely on the couch downstairs. 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Two Buddies

K has been on vacation most of this week with my parents. I walked into the room this afternoon, sat down on the recliner, and said, "Does it feel like we are missing somebody?"

Ka giggled as she looked around and noticed that K and Daddy were both gone. Then she said, "Actually, we are missing two buddies." I love the things that come out of her mouth. 

Never a Dull Moment

There's never a dull moment around here. Combine Daddy with whip cream and willing mouths and we get this. 

Dipping Strawberries in Chocolate

Most of the time, when my kids ask if they can have a treat, my line they can always expect me to say is, "Eat something heathy first."  As we were dipping these strawberries in chocolate, Bl turned to me with a bit of mischief in his eye and said, "Mom, I can eat as many of these as I want."

"Really?  Why do you say that?" I replied. 

"Because," he said, "it's something heathy and a treat all in one."  I guess he's right on that one. :)

This Girl

Sometimes this girl comes all dressed up like this and asks if she can paint my nails, do my hair, give me a check-up, and serve me dinner.
And other times, she does my make-up for me. How can I resist such a cutie?