Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Beginning

I have wanted to blog again for a while now.  I can't tell you how many people have asked me to start things back up again, but I haven't done it.   I have come up against some road is busy, computer issues, the name of my old blog doesn't fit anymore, and probably the biggest one of all is privacy.  The best way to really have my words out there is to have a public blog.  I write about my life, my family, and my thoughts.  Is it dangerous to have all that information out there where everyone can see?  Of course it is. 

After thinking it over for a long time, however, I have decided that I am going to go forward with it.  I started a new blog.  I won't give out personal information or names.  For those of you who know me personally, you can probably figure out what child I am writing about.  You know the general area that I live.  I won't leave out descriptive details because that is how I write.  I love to paint the pictures with words. 

I plan on writing at least once a week, but mostly just when the thoughts and words come.  There is fulfillment for me as I put words together and I want to share it all with you.  Please, if you have a minute, share with me some of your thoughts, pointers, tips, and suggestions on privacy and the things you want to see when you come read.  I would love to hear from you.


  1. I am so excited you started this! YAY!

  2. I'm excited to read your writing. I want to WRITE more on my blog, and I still get anxious that a baby will interrupt me so I don't even start. My baby is 4 1/2 so maybe I need to get over that ;).

    Love ya, Bobi
