Sunday, November 22, 2015


A few days ago, I went to the fitness center to exercise.  As I was leaving, I noticed a man in a wheelchair checking in.  I had seen him there exercising around the track quite a few times.  I know nothing about wheelchairs, but from what I have seen, he has his normal wheelchair that he uses for everyday use and a different wheelchair for exercise.  After he scanned his card, he resituated his belongings and began to push his exercise wheelchair in front of him. 

He was coming up on a door and as soon as I saw him, I hesitated to help him for just for a second because of two reasons:  First, I am a girl and girls don't usually open the door for guys.  Would he be offended that a girl felt like she had to open the door for him?  I didn't know.  Second, sometimes people with disabilities really appreciate an extra hand, and sometimes, they just plain don't.  I totally get it.  I like to let people know that I really don't need help most of the time, that I can do things on my own. 

So...what would you do?  I don't know this guy and didn't know how he would react.  I did what I am sure most people would do, but I was a little nervous.  I turned around, went through the double glass doors, and held the door open wide enough for him to push both himself and his extra wheelchair through. 

I can't describe the look in his eyes as he looked up at me and said simply, "Thank you.  I really appreciate that."  He was genuine and so kind.

I turned around and exited the center again, only this time, I felt so good. 

I don't tell this story to make myself sound all great here...I wasn't.  I was super impressed by this man.  As he saw me coming to help, he could have been having the same type of thoughts run through his head...You're a girl...don't help me...can't people see that I am completely capable of taking care of myself...

Instead, he threw all these possibilities out the window and made me feel like I truly made a difference in his day.  He truly made a difference in mine.

I hope when I do have those times when others want to help that I can make them feel better for it, that I can accept the service with an open heart and open mind.  What a wonderful example for me!